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How to clean gold jewelry so it looks like new

La jewelry cleaning At home it can be somewhat annoying if we do not have the necessary knowledge to do it. However, this is much easier than you might think. Since the gold jewelry cleaning homemade is very simple and we will only need a few steps that will make us leave our most valuable accessories as new as the first day. Without having to go to a specialized store to do the job for us.

Jewelry is one of the objects that we give the most value throughout our lives, and it is that they not only have a very high economic value but also sentimental value. Therefore, it is best not to let time pass without doing a thorough cleaning of our jewelry to keep them in perfect condition as long as possible. In addition, this is very easy to do from home so you will not have any problem carrying out this type of procedure.

The Golden jewerly They are a very precious good for many people. So there is no doubt that it is best to know how we can clean them properly so as not to damage the material.

So you can clean your gold jewelry at home

When clean gold jewelry We only have to follow some simple steps that will make us avoid damaging the material with which they are made. In this case, gold is a very delicate surface that we must treat very carefully if we do not want to damage it.

Thus, the steps to follow to properly clean our gold jewelry are:

  1. The first thing you have to prepare are two bowls with warm water. You will use one to clean the jewel, and the other will serve as a container to rinse it.
  2. Then, we will take a toothbrush with soft bristles so as not to damage the gold of our jewel and we will dip it in the water of the first container to which we will add a little neutral soap.
  3. Next, we rinse the jewel in the container with clean warm water and we will take a dry cloth to rub all the corners of the jewel and leave it as shiny as the first day.

As you can see, cleaning a gold piece of jewelry is no more complicated than a little time and some basic utensils that we all have at home. Remember to do this process very carefully, since gold is a material that can start to get damaged very easily.

Tips to clean gold jewelry without damaging it

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that gold is an extremely delicate material, so you shouldn't take cleaning it lightly. But you must do everything very tactfully so as not to damage this valuable object that becomes more important with the passing of the years.

Thus, it is important that the soap you use is neutral, since it is this that will thoroughly clean your jewel without the need to damage the material with which it is made.

In addition, it is also important that you do it with a soft bristle toothbrush. Since the object with which you are going to manipulate and rub your jewelry is very important so as not to damage the gold jewelry that you are cleaning.

The best thing you can do is take the time necessary to make your jewelry look like new without damaging gold, one of the most valuable and delicate materials that we must take care of throughout our lives.

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