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In defense of leather as an ecological and renewable material

Very few materials have the ability to degrade in nature like leather.

It is a renewable and biodegradable material.

In his defense, we will say that leather Being more durable than synthetic materials, produces less waste as a by-product.

Leather items are much more durable.

That is why many manufacturers that use other synthetic materials try to camouflage the low quality of their products by using acronyms that try to pass off one product as another.

In defense of leather

There is the fact that there is no product that matches the quality of leather in the manufacture of bags and footwear in terms of comfort and resistance, as well as durability and breathability.

Synthetic materials are manufactured to replace the natural leather in footwear, leather goods, upholstery, etc.

These materials (“faux leather”, “vegan leather”, “semi leather”, “PU leather”) are made of polyurethane PVC, for example.

Materials that take much longer to degrade in nature.

While the human being consumes meat, taking advantage of this material instead of getting rid of it, is a recycling task.

In recent years, numerous initiatives have appeared by this industry for the use of clean technologies..

Vegetable tanning

This procedure for transforming raw skin into a durable material is produced by the use of wooden drums, and vegetable tanning, and with the passage of time.

This skin treatment gives it a series of unique characteristics such as the comfort, style, elegance and, of course, exclusivity and durability.

In short, the use of clean technologies and management aimed atReduce harmful and polluting effects.

Therefore, a high quality product is manufactured and  less aggressive with the surrounding environment and, therefore, more innovative and productive.

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